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Beasiswa S2 Lingkungan TERI University of India

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Sebagai bagian dari proyek “RedFort”, Yayasan Perubahan Iklim Sindicatum
(FKKS) Inggris memberikan beasiswa program master kepada empat
mahasiswa untuk belajar di TERI University of India, dengan komposisi 2 mahasiswa India dan 2 mahasiswa Internasional.

Program beasiswa S2 Lingkungan di TERI University of India tersedia dalam 5 program studi:

1. Program Master Bidang Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Kebijakan Iklim

2. Studi Lingkungan dan Pengelolaan Sumber Daya

3. Geoinformatika

4. Ekonomi

5. Rekayasa & Manajemen Energi Terbarukan

Seleksi Beasiswa TERI University of India:

Seleksi untuk program ini didasarkan pada prestasi akademik (yaitu hasil ujian seleksi masuk dan catatan akademik kandidat Seluruh kandidat diwajibkan menyerahkan essai mengenai aspirasi serta tujuan karier masa depan.

Catatan Penting:

1. Kelanjutan dari beasiswa di semester kedua dan selanjutnya tergantung pada keberhasilan kandidat terpilih dalam menyelesaikan kursus di semester 1 dan mampu mempertahankan IP sesuai peraturan Universitas.
2. Prosedur pendaftaran bagi seluruh kandidat mahasiswa internasional adalah menyerahkan essai sebagaimana di atas sebagai bukti pendaftaran (formulir pendaftaran online hanya berlaku bagi mahasiswa India). Essai maksimum 1000 kata. Essai dikirimkan ke:

University, Plot No. 10 Institutional Area, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi
– 110 070 / India.

paling lambat 25 April 2013

Kandidat yang terpilih akan diwawancarai via telepon oleh TERI Universty of India dan Yayasan.


Written by 1beasiswa

December 26, 2012 at 3:44 pm

2011 International Education Seminar

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2011 International Education Seminar

2011 International Education Seminar

Acara International Education Seminar ini bertema “A New Landscape in Teaching & Learning” yang diselenggarakan oleh Sampoerna School of Education.

Acara berlangsung selama 2 hari, pada tanggal 25-26 Mei 2011.

Pendaftaran dapat langsung menghubungi Panitia:
Telp. 021-4577 4018
Email: emawati@

Written by 1beasiswa

May 2, 2011 at 5:26 am

Australian Leadership Awards Scholarships 2011

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Applications for the 2011 intake open on 10 March 2010 and close on 30 June 2010

The Australian Leadership Awards (ALA) aim to develop leadership and build partnerships and linkages within the Asia-Pacific, while addressing priority development issues of the region.

The ALA program comprises ALA Scholarships and ALA Fellowships. These awards are for leaders or those who have potential for leadership roles that can influence social and economic reform, both in their own countries and in the Asia-Pacific region.

ALA Scholarships are for study at Masters or Doctorate level in an Australian university. Study programs must relate to a priority development area: disability, economic growth, education, environment, food security, gender, governance, health, human rights, infrastructure, regional stability, rural development, water and sanitation. ALA scholars also undertake a Leadership Development Program in Australia.

As ALA Scholarships are an investment in the future of the Asia-Pacific region, ALA scholars are required to return to their home country or the region for two years after they have completed their studies in Australia.

Selection for ALA Scholarships is competitive, based on leadership qualities, academic excellence and potential impact on return home. To be eligible to apply, you must meet the following criteria.



You must be a citizen of one of these countries, and not hold or be married/engaged to someone who holds Australian or New Zealand citizenship or permanent residency (except for nationals of Niue, Tokelau and Cook Islands who also have NZ citizenship):

Afghanistan; Bangladesh; Bhutan; Burma (Myanmar); Cambodia; Caribbean: Antigua & Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Saint Kitts & Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad & Tobago; China; Cook Islands; Federated States of Micronesia; Fiji; India; Indonesia; Iraq; Kiribati; Laos; Latin America: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela; Maldives; Marshall Islands; Mongolia; Nauru; Nepal; Niue; Palau; Papua New Guinea; Philippines; Samoa; Solomon Islands; Sri Lanka; Thailand; Timor-Leste; Tokelau; Tonga; Tuvalu; Vanuatu; Viet Nam; Wallis & Futuna

Current residence

You must be residing in a country other than Australia and applying from outside Australia

Previous scholarships

You must not have held a scholarship to study outside your home country in the 24 months preceding the application closing date.

For example: the application closing date is 30 June 2010. You would meet this requirement if you arrived home from your overseas study on 30 June 2008.

English proficiency

You must have acceptable results from one of these English language proficiency tests, gained no longer than 24 months prior to the opening date of the Scholarship application period.

* an IELTS Academic Test with a score of at least 6.5 (with no band less than 6), or
* a TOEFL paper-based test score of at least 580, or
* a TOEFL computer-based test score of at least 237, or
* a TOEFL internet-based score of at least 92.

University offer

You must have an unconditional offer for a postgraduate course (either Masters or Doctorate) starting in the year for which you are applying for a scholarship, to be undertaken full-time at an Australian campus of one of the participating institutions.


Australian Capital Territory
Australian Catholic University
The Australian National University
University of Canberra
The University of New South Wales (including ADFA)

Western Australia
Curtin University
Edith Cowan University
Murdoch University
University of Notre Dame Australia
The University of Western Australia

New South Wales
Australian Catholic University
Charles Sturt University
Macquarie University
Southern Cross University
University of New England
The University of New South Wales (including ADFA)
The University of Newcastle
The University of Sydney
University of Technology Sydney
University of Western Sydney
University of Wollongong

Northern Territory
Charles Darwin University

Australian Catholic University
Bond University
Central Queensland University
Griffith University
James Cook University
Queensland University of Technology
The University of Queensland
University of Southern Queensland
University of the Sunshine Coast

South Australia
Carnegie Mellon University
Flinders University
The University of Adelaide
University of South Australia

University of Tasmania (including Australian Maritime College)

Australian Catholic University
Deakin University
La Trobe University
Monash University
RMIT University
Swinburne University of Technology
University of Ballarat
The University of Melbourne
Victoria University

Note: Study programs in Australia (including distance education) that have already commenced will not be supported.

For further details on application and documents please open the webpage below:
ALA Scholarships 2011 for Master and Doctoral in Development Area | Scholarships Online

Written by 1beasiswa

April 20, 2011 at 7:42 am

Beasiswa S1 di SIC Thailand

leave a comment » – Sripatum International College (SIC) Scholarship Program in celebration of the 40th Anniversary of
Sripatum University.

Eligible Applicant :

1. Applicant must be a citizen of the following countries and currently enrolled in College or University, or have recently completed final year of high school.

– North America (1): USA

– Europe (15): United Kingdom, France, Spain, Sweden, Italy, Germany, Norway,Denmark, Luxembourg, Slovakia, Russia, Switzerland, Ukraine, Turkey, Bulgaria

– Australia: (2): Australia, New Zealand

– ASIA (2): China, India

– ASEAN member countries

2. Applicant must have good academic record from accredited institution.

3. Applicant must have a good command of written and spoken English.

4. Applicant must be in good condition physically and mentally.

How to Apply :

1. Application : Applicant may obtain application package from Sripatum International College (SIC) in person, or on SIC website at

2. Submit the completed application form including academic record (original or a certified copy by the given institution), medical form, two letters of recommendation, and etc.) to the following address:

Director : Sripatum International College (SIC)
Sripatum University 
Level 8, Building 11,
61 Phaholyothin Road, Jatujak, Bangkok 10900, Thailand

e-Mail :

Timeline :

1. Application must reach SIC by:  April 30, 2011

2. Successful applicant will be notified by email, and list of successful applicants will be posted on SIC website by:  May 10, 2011

Programs Available (all 4 years degree) :

1. Bachelor of Arts in International Business Communication

2. Bachelor of Business Administration in Hotel Management

Scholarship Inclusion :

Tuition fees and Registration fees for the period of four years (scholarship will be reviewed after each academic year, based on academic performance)

Scholarship Exclusions :

1. Accommodation

2. Living Allowance

3. Air Ticket

4. Visa fees

5. Personal expenses

6. Medical expenses

7. Health Insurance

8. Other expenses that may occur

Number of scholarships available :

Twenty scholarships in total

Visa :

As soon as the selection of the awardees has been made, SIC will send the “Letter of Acceptance” to each student by mail. Upon your receipt, please contact the Thai Embassy / Consulate in your country to allow them sufficient time to process your visa application. The student shall apply for the appropriate type of visa (Non-Immigration, ED type) as early as possible on their own expenses. After that please let the SIC know the results of the visa application immediately.

Contact Information :

Director : Sripatum International College
Sripatum University

Level 8, Building 11,
61 Phaholyothin Road, Jatujak, Bangkok 10900, Thailand
Tel: +66 2 – 579-1111 Ext: ext. 1017, 1018, 1303

Fax : 662 – 558 – 6868

E-mail :

List of required documents :

1.     Completed Application Form with photo attached

2.    Two Essays

3.    Two Letters of recommendation with contact address

4.    Completed Medical Form

5.    Original or certified copies of Transcript and Diploma

6.    Resume or brief biodata

7.    TOEFL (at least 65 for iBT) or IELTS (at least 5.5 for all bands)
Or proof that English language is used for the medium of instruction for your high school education.

8.    Two additional photos (35x45cm)

Essay Topics :

Please submit a 1,000 word essay on the following title: ‘Why do you want to study in International Business OR Hotel management program at SIC? and What do you hope to accomplish through this program?

Sumber: Beasiswa S1 di SIC Thailand
Posting by: informasibeasiswaa

Written by 1beasiswa

March 17, 2011 at 4:16 am

Beasiswa ke AS untuk SMA/D-III

leave a comment » satu program beasiswa dalam Fulbright Scholarship yang ditawarkan kepada pelajar Indonesia adalah Community College Initiative Program (CCIP). Program beasiswa studi nirgelar ini diharapkan dapat dimanfaatkan para pelajar untuk mengembangkan profesionalitas mereka di tingkat community college di Amerika Serikat (AS).

Adapun bidang-bidang studi yang diprioritaskan menerima beasiswa ini adalah pertanian, teknik, bisnis dan administrasi, ilmu kesehatan (keperawatan), teknologi informasi, media, dan manajemen kepariwisataan.

Bagi yang berminat, pelamar disyaratkan memiliki ijazah lulusan Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) dan Diploma (D-1, D2 atau D3). Syarat lainnya, nilai ITP minimum 500 (IELTS 5.0) atau TOEIC 650.

Memang, lulusan sarjana (S-1) juga diperbolehkan mendaftar. Hanya saja, latar belakang pendidikannya harus berbeda dengan bidang yang akan diambil. Sementara mahasiswa atau lulusan program S-2 atau S-3 tidak dapat mengikuti program ini.

Informasi mengenai beasiswa ini bisa dilihat Batas waktu pengiriman aplikasinya masih panjang, yaitu sampai 1 November 2011.

Sumber: Beasiswa ke AS untuk SMA/D-III
Posting by: informasibeasiswaa

85 Beasiswa S1-S3 ke Romania

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Pemerintah Republik Romania melalui Kementerian Luar Negeri kembali menawarkan beasiswa untuk mahasiswa asing, termasuk di antaranya dari Indonesia. Jumlah beasiswa yang disiapkan untuk tahun akademik 2011/2012 ini sebanyak 85 beasiswa S1 ke Romania dan pascasarjana (S-2/S-3) dengan bahasa pengantar bahasa Romania.

Seleksi kandidat yang berhak meraih beasiswa ini akan langsung dilakukan oleh Kementerian Luar Negeri, Kementerian Pendidikan, serta Kementerian Kepemudaan dan Olahraga Romania. Bagi teman-teman yang berminat memperoleh beasiswa S1 ke Romania, kualifikasi kandidat yang bisa meraih beasiswa ini adalah pelajar asing yang bukan berasal dari negara-negera kelompok Uni Eropa. Beasiswa ini juga terbuka lebar bagi pelajar/mahasiswa dari negara-negara ketiga yang telah memiliki hubungan budaya atau kerja sama tertentu dengan Pemerintah Romania.

Perlu diketahui, kandidat yang tidak bisa berbahasa Romania akan diberi kesempatan mengikuti kelas persiapan mempelajari bahasa Romania. Kandidat yang akan mendaftar dapat mengirimkan berkas aplikasinya ke Kementerian Luar Negeri Romania atau Kementerian Pendidikan, Riset, Pemuda, dan Olahraga melalui perwakilan Romania di Jakarta.

Batas akhir penerimaan berkas pendaftaran adalah 15 April 2011. Informasi mengenai beasiswa S1-S3 Romania bisa dilihat di atau langsung melalui situs

Written by 1beasiswa

March 17, 2011 at 4:11 am

Posted in Beasiswa Australia

10 Beasiswa ke University of Adelaide

leave a comment » hingga 10 beasiswa bagi pelajar Internasional yang ingin meraih beasiswa pascasarjana di University of Adelaide, Australia, untuk tahun akademik 2011/2012. Beasiswa tersebut diberikan melalui program Adelaide Scholarships International (ASI) untuk studi penelitian bagi pelajar Internasional di University of Adelaide.

Seleksi untuk meraih beasiswa ini sangat selektif dan sangat mengutamakan prestasi akademis. Namun demikian, beasiswa tersebut terbuka untuk berbagai macam disiplin ilmu tanpa mengutamakan prestasi ekstrakulikuler.

Bagi yang berminat, informasi mengenai syarat dan formulir Adelaide Scholarships International (ASI) 2011 ini bisa didapatkan di Batas pengiriman aplikasinya ditutup pada 1 Mei 2011 mendatang.

Sumber: 10 Beasiswa ke University of Adelaide

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